Laptop Mag has followed yesterday’s Samsung N140 netbook review with a look at its budget brother, the Samsung N130. The Samsung N130 has an official price point of $349, but can be found cheaper and offers the same keyboard, touchpad and matte display as the N140.
However, that’s where the positive comparisons end. The N130 comes with the weaker 1.6GHz N270 Atom CPU and 4000 mAh 6-cell battery. The N140 came with a 1.66GHz N28 Atom and 5200mAh capacity battery. It is also only equipped with a mono speaker to further differentiate it from the N140 that comes with stereo SRS audio.
The Samsung N130 lasted for four hours and forty-four minutes, this is nearly two hours less than the N140, a significant difference. Laptop Mag suggests spending a bit extra and going for something with a bit more oomph. You can read their full review here.
However, that’s where the positive comparisons end. The N130 comes with the weaker 1.6GHz N270 Atom CPU and 4000 mAh 6-cell battery. The N140 came with a 1.66GHz N28 Atom and 5200mAh capacity battery. It is also only equipped with a mono speaker to further differentiate it from the N140 that comes with stereo SRS audio.
The Samsung N130 lasted for four hours and forty-four minutes, this is nearly two hours less than the N140, a significant difference. Laptop Mag suggests spending a bit extra and going for something with a bit more oomph. You can read their full review here.